Thank you for canceling!
Thank you so much for using the cancel form. Please read the following:
• If you've canceled for illness - you MUST skip the entire week. You have been credited for your missed class. Please do not try to schedule a make up in a different class the same week of your illness cancel as we cannot permit your attendance
(*See our illness policies here).
•If you've canceled to skip a week, you have been credited for the missed class.
•If you've requested a make up for a different day due to scheduling issues: Your make up is booked! :)
**Please double check the info you've submitted that has been emailed to you. We don't want you to show up in the wrong class time or age group (as you may not be able to attend depending on if the class is full or how old your child is).
•If you've submitted a hold or extended hiatus/vacation - we've noted your account.
If you, your child or anybody in your household has been sick or has any symptoms of illness the week of your Free Trial or class, - we kindly ask that you reschedule for the following week. Runny noses, or residual coughing is not permitted in the classroom. Thank you so much in advance for following our sick policies! :)